Expression of Interest for Health Cities for Adolescent Evaluation

Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) is Fondation Botnar’s flagship initiative to create cities fit for young people. Adolescents are at the heart of HCA’s mission. Their active participation is vital for achieving sustainable and equitable urban development. HCA focuses on intermediary cities – rapidly growing urban areas that present specific challenges for healthy, sustainable and equitable city growth. Now in its second phase (2022-2026), HCA is active in six countries. The programme funds and supports projects that tackle the health and wellbeing concerns of adolescents in local city contexts. Each project aims to catalyse long-term systemic solutions. They do this by fostering cross-sectoral collaborations with multiple stakeholders at the city level.

On behalf of the Foundation, we would like to invite an evaluation firm or team of evaluators to express their interest (EOI) in undertaking the evaluation of HCA II. Attached is the relevant Terms of Reference (ToR), which contains all the necessary details for the evaluation. The expected duration for the evaluation is w/c 7 April 2025 to w/c 27 October 2025.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please read the attached ToR carefully and follow the instructions provided. EOI should be submitted no later than 24 January 2025 at 12pm noon CET in pdf format to clearly mentioning HCA II in the subject line. A full proposal will be requested from evaluators who are shortlisted.

Weitere Auskünfte

Fondation Botnar
Nicolas Vetterli