Dr Dany Franck A. Tiwa

  • Projekte
  • Programme
  • Evaluationen (Meta-Evaluationen)

  • Prozesse und Vollzug (Prozessevaluation; Vollzugsanalyse)
  • Wirkungsevaluation
  • Bedürfnisanalyse
  • Ex-ante Evaluationen
  • Ex-post Evaluationen

Erfahrung mit Evaluation
  • Bildung
  • Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
  • Gleichstellung
  • Justiz / Polizei
  • Landwirtschaft

Französisch – Muttersprache
Englisch – Sehr gute Kenntnisse


Theory based evaluation; outcome harvesting; outcome mapping; qualitative impact assessment; success case methods; beneficiary assessment; MaxQDA, Excel, Nvivo etc.

Womit ich häufig arbeite

Theory of change; Program records; stated goals and objectives; Key informants interviews; baseline and target indicators etc.

Was mir bei meiner Arbeit wichtig ist

Que mes évaluations soit utilisées pour améliorer la robustesse ainsi que les pratiques de gestion de projets et des programmes

Was ich sonst noch über mich und meine Arbeit sagen möchte

J'aimerais acquérir de l'expérience dans le domaine des évaluations en temps réel et des évaluations des interventions humanitaires.


2023 Home-based Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC)
Research consultant/National Expert Organized Crime Index 2023-Review of Cameroon Country Profile
-Conduct desk research as relevant
-Conduct expert interviews as relevant
-Review of the country profile
-Score (on a scale from 1 to 10) 15 criminal markets, 5 criminal actors and 12 resilience indicators
-Provide comments, suggestions, and recommendation
2022 Home-based with substantial trips to Burkina Faso, Mali & Niger International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Research Consultant/Team Member Mid-Term Evaluation of the IDLO Program “Integrated Support to the Criminal Justice Systems in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger”
-Conduct an in-depth desk review of relevant documents and reports.
-Support the data collection, especially during the field phase.
-Participate in (remote or in-person) focus group discussions and interviews
-Collaborate to ensure data are collected in line with the agreed methodology.
-Provide support and inputs for the preparation of the Inception Note.
-Contribute to the analysis of findings, and compilation of the Evaluation Report.
-Translate the final version of the evaluation report in French.
2022 Home-based Inspection and Evaluation Division (IED) of the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS)
Research consultant Thematic evaluation on the incorporation of climate related security risks in peace operations
-Review mission mandates to track reference to climate change related security risks
-Examine the extent to which mission planning documents (concepts notes, workplans, budgets) incorporate climate related security risks
-Assess the number and description of initiatives/activities that incorporate climate related security risks and early results
-Analyze budgetary allocations for initiatives that incorporate climate related security risks
-Examine the extent to which missions’ reports, code cables, and conflicts analysis reports reference climate related security risks
-Consolidate trends and content which refer to climate related security risk
2022 Home-based Food and Agriculture Agency of the United Nations (FAO)
Senior Evaluation Specialist/Regional Team Leader Évaluation finale du projet « Promotion d’une transhumance pacifique dans la région du Liptako-Gourma (Mali, Burkina Faso et Niger)»
-Coordinate the activities of the evaluation team
-Ensure that the methodology foreseen in the terms of reference is fully implemented
-Organize the division of labor within the team according to respective areas of expertise
-Cover in detail the analysis of the relevance of the project, the changes brought about by the project, the sustainability and partnership aspects of the project etc.
2022 Cotonou, Benin Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime/CEBRAP
Qualitative Research Specialist Study of nexus between the car business in Cotonou, Benin, and insecurity in West and Central Africa
-Literature review on the second-hand vehicle industry
-Conduct qualitative data collection through individual face to face interviews with purposively selected key informants
-Transcription and translation of interview notes,
-Coding and analysis of the data collected, highlighting key trends, patterns, and examples to complement the findings further
-Preparation of final report and summary brief and dissemination
2022 Home-based with substantial trip to Senegal Foundation Chanel/Djarama
Research consultant Social Impact Evaluation of the project YAAKAAR (Hope for children in wolof) implemented by Djarama.
-Designing and conducting the end line (T+18) evaluation
-Writing final Evaluation Report
--Facilitating a framing and a restitution workshop
2021 Home-based with substantial trip to Nigeria French Ministry of Finance/ LAFAAAC/ TeachOnMars/ Webforce3/ EdoJobs
Research Consultant Social Impact Assessment of Edo Skill Up Academy, an online training platform in the creative industry for the Youth Edo State
-Designing and conducting baseline (T+0) evaluation using both qualitative and quantitative methods
-Recruiting and training enumerators
-Writing Baseline Evaluation Reports
-Facilitating one framing and one restitution workshops
2021 Home-based Association l’Envol (La Banque postale) Diane Beauchamp, Déléguée générale L’envol, le campus de la banque postale
Phone +33 (0)1 57 75 62 14
Courriel : diane.beauchamp@labanquepostale.fr
115, rue de Sèvres - 75275 Paris CEDEX 06 Research consultant Formative Social Impact Evaluation of L’Envol de la Banque Postale, a programme that aimed to remove the obstacles that limit young graduates in their future career choices and to give them the keys to fulfil their potential, based on a comprehensive, long-term intervention (up to six years) supported by the commitment of employees of the La Poste Group to volunteering their skills.
-Study design including (mixed research design)
-Data collection through survey questionnaire and Key informants interviews
-Reports (inception and final) writing
-Framing and restitution workshops facilitation
2021 Home-based with substantial trip to Cameroon IOM – International Organization for Migrations
17 route des Morillons
C.P. 71
CH-1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland
Contact: Ndoja Olta, M&E Officer (Return & Reintegration), Email: ondoja@iom.int
Qualitative Researcher Qualitative Study on Outwards Referrals of Voluntary Returning Migrants
-Conduct qualitative data collection through individual interviews with returnees and KIIs with partners, reintegration service providers and IOM staff, collected during field travels
-Transcription and translation of interview notes,
-Coding and analysis of the data collected, highlighting key trends, patterns, and examples to complement the findings further
-Preparation of final report and summary brief and dissemination.
2021 Cameroon African Centre for Crime and Security Studies
Texaco Omnisport, Yaoundé,
Lead Researcher Réalisation d’une étude diagnostic sur le crime organisé au Cameroun
-Revue systématique de la littérature
-organisation et animation d’un atelier d’échanges avec les experts des forces de maintien de l’ordre et de la justice
-Rédaction du rapport final
2020 Cameroon African Centre for Crime and Security Studies
Texaco Omnisport, Yaoundé,
Senior Qualitative Researcher Study on the drivers of the stigmatization of the medical personnel during the Covid-19 pandemic in Cameroon.
- Literature review
-Study design including selecting the sample population, deciding research questions, assuring quality control etc.
-Conduct qualitative data collection through individual interviews with former covid-19 patients and relatives and KIIs with medical staff, hospital leaderships, and health experts
-Transcription and translation of interview notes,
-Coding and analysis of the data collected, highlighting key trends, patterns, and examples to complement the findings further
-Preparation of final report and summary brief and dissemination.
2020 Home-based with substantial trip to Senegal Foundation Chanel/Djarama
Research consultant Baseline Social Impact Evaluation of the project YAAKAAR (Hope for children in wolof) implemented by Djarama.
-Designing and conducting baseline (T+0)
-Writing Baseline Evaluation Reports
-designing a M&E plan for monitoring
-Capacity need assessment of project staff
-Preparing training materials and content based on need assessment
-training project staff on M&E systems and plans use
-Facilitating a framing and a restitution workshop
2020 Home-based with substantial trip to Mali Proparco/Azalai Group
Soline Pralorans, Proparco Email : pralorans@proparco.fr

Research consultant Formative Social Impact Evaluation of Chiaka Sidibe Vocational Training School (for unemployed youth) of Bamako
-Designing and conducting a strategic Diagnosis of the vocational school using SWOT
-Designing and conducting a social impact evaluation of the school at T+ 36 months
2019 Nigeria European Union/Observatoire Pharos.
Contact: Catherine Bossard, General Secretary Observatoire Pharos
Research consultant End line Social Impact Evaluation of the project “Support to the Defenders of Religious and Cultural Pluralism”
-Designing and conducting final evaluations at T+36
-Collecting field data in Nigeria cities of Kaduna, Jos, Sokoto, Lafia and Abuja through KIIs and focus group discussions with beneficiaries
-Writing final Evaluation Reports
-Facilitating a report restitution workshops
2016 -2018 Nigeria Education, Audio-visual, and Culture Executive Agency (European Union) Senior Qualitative Researcher/Principal Investigator Study to identify the drivers of mob violence in urban Nigeria.
-study design
-Literature review
-field data collection and analysis
-report writing
-presenting findings at international conferences
-finding publications
2013-2014 Senegal Education, Audio-visual, and Culture Executive Agency (European Union) Qualitative Researcher/Principal Investigator Qualitative analysis of the "effects of the dependence of Senegalese civil society organisations on foreign funding. Cases of CONGAD, DIADEM, and USE".
-study design
-literature review
-field data collection and analysis
-report writing
-presenting findings at international conferences
-finding publications
2012 Cameroon Department of Sociology
University of Yaoundé 1 Qualitative Researcher Study on the impact of climate change on peasant agriculture in West Cameroon. Case of the Batcham district.
-study design
-Literature review
-field data collection and analysis
-report writing
-presenting findings at international conferences
-finding publications
2012 Cameroon Laboratoire des études sociales appliquées au développement durable
Pr. Samuel Beni ELLA ELLA
Qualitative Researcher Data collection for the elaboration of an ecotourism development strategy for the Dja Wildlife Reserve and Biosphere
-Data collection
-Data cleaning
-Data Analysis
2012 Cameroon National Institute of Statistics Enumerator Impact evaluation study of the integrated management of malaria and diarrhea among children under the age of five in Cameroon's eastern region.
-Data collection and data cleaning
2010 Cameroon Laboratoire des études sociales appliquées au développement durable
Pr. Samuel Beni ELLA ELLA
Enumerator Identification and legal formalization of village committees for the sustainable development of the Dja Wildlife and Biosphere Reserve
-Data collection
-Data cleaning
-Data Analysis