Evaluation of the joint SDC-SNSF Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d)

The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development invites bids for its Final Evaluation.

Background: The r4d programme is a joint funding initiative by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The r4d programme supports research aimed at solving global problems with a focus on least developed, low- and middle income countries.

Objectives: The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the extent to which the programme has achieved its objectives, whether the modality of the programme is appropriate to achieve its objectives, and the extent to which the programme has been able to influence practice and/or policy. Insights from the evaluation shall inform the successor programme and other research programmes of the SDC and the SNSF. The evaluation shall cover the entire duration of the programme from 2012-2023

The Terms of Reference (ToR) can be found here

The deadline for submitting offers is 30 May 2022, 17.00 CET. Offers need to be sent by email to david.svarin@snf.ch.


r4d-Final-Evaluation-2022 (PDF 505 KB)


Swiss National Science Foundation
David Svarin
T +41313082490