Elenor Richter Lyonette


Sustainable Development Services (SDS)
Chemin de l'Ochettaz 21B
CH-1025 Saint-Sulpice

T 022-3622243

  • Projekte
  • Programme
  • Gesetze & Policies
  • Organisationen

  • Prozesse und Vollzug (Prozessevaluation; Vollzugsanalyse)
  • Wirkungsevaluation
  • Konzeptevaluation
  • Bedürfnisanalyse

Erfahrung mit Evaluation
  • Ausländer / Asylwesen
    Referenzen: 03-08.2015. Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon. Team Leader. UN: Final Evaluation of the Resource Mobilization Strategy (RMS) 2012–2015 for UNRWA (CPS/WB/ERCD/0043/0/14). Report based on more than 150 interviews with donors, host governments and UNRWA staff. Supervision of a team of four. Focus: Strategic planning, policy development; needs assessments as well as policy advice / future options. 02/2004-05/2005. Sierra Leone. Child Protection Officer.  - Participation in the country mission of the Global UNHCR evaluation on the needs of aging refugees;  - UNHCR Kenema review of traumatization projects serving refugees in the 8 camps in Eastern Sierra Leone.
  • Aussenpolitik
    Referenzen: 11/2017-10/2018. Auswärtiges Amt / Federal Foreign Office. Jordanien. Senior Expert: Strategic Evaluation: ‚Evaluation of the transformation partnerships with Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan’ with a focus on two areas: Rule of Law (Courts and penitentiary system including Constitutional Court + Supreme Court) + Civil Society; Responsible for the evaluation of the impact of transformation partnerships in Jordan and for input into the overall report. Projects: Rule of Law, Conflict resolution (IRZ + Max Planck Foundation); Anti-corruption (Transparency International), Primary + higher education and conflict resolution, refugees (Berghof Foundation) as well as Decentralization (Democracy Reporting International); Mixed methods, theory-based, ToC, interviews and focus groups, document analysis.
  • Bildung
    Referenzen: 07/2016-04/2017. Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Egypt. UN Consultant. UN: Phased external ex-post « Cluster Evaluation of UNITAR Training of Trainers (ToT) Programming ». Based on the evaluation of a portfolio of six projects/programmes, policy advice / development of strategies in the area of UNITAR ToT programming with regard to organizational development. Focus: Enhancing the Capacity of African Peacekeeping Training Institutions (Egypt, Liberia, Algeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe) + Developing e-Learning Capacities of the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI - Zimbabwe) + Algeria (establishment of an International Training Centre + Training of Algerian diplomat-trainees and senior officials + Entrepreneurship training for young graduates from Algeria) + Law Enforcement / Anti-Corruption Training Programme for the Sahel Region. Missions to Egypt, Zimbabwe and Algeria. Survey design and analysis (English/French - 190 addressees). 09/2015-01/2016 + 08-11/2014 Germany, Switzerland. Senior Expert. GIZ: “Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education, Vocational Education and Training in Fragile Contexts.” (Sectoral approach, global); Phase 2, 2015. Development of an M&E Manual for GIZ through work with GIZ and KfW staff. 07-09/2011. Lebanon. Senior Expert. EU ROM.  UNRWA: “Improve Education of Young Palestine Refugees in Lebanon for Better Employment Opportunities”. 01/1988. Egypt. UNHCR Education Officer. Assessment and policy review of UNHCR secondary and tertiary education system to place high performing refugee children from asylum countries in the horn of Africa. Prioritization of adequate and targeted UNHCR response. 01/1988. Somalia. UNHCR Education Officer. Assessment of the UNHCR’s camp-based primary education support in Somalia, to arrive at wider coverage and increased girls’ education, more modern curricula + teaching methods and better primary education management.
  • Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
    Referenzen: 11/2016-01/2017. Congo (RDC). Senior Expert: EU LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, EPRR, and Monitoring Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (11 contracts + 1 decision) in the area of agriculture, capacity building, child protection, education, environmental protection, governance, legal reform, post-conflict rehabilitation, rule of law, training, health care, violence against women and girls. Formulation of gender-specific and other indicators. 05-07/2015. DEVCO E03, Belgium. Senior Expert. EU: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects; External Results Oriented Monitoring EPRR; review of 76 Inter-ACP DEVCO E03 programmes relating to decisions and contracts with a value of € 100 Million. Formulation of indicators. 05-07/2015. Cameroon, Switzerland. Senior Expert. EU: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, EPRR review of European Union Delegation (EUD) programmes under EU-RF, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Formulation of gender-specific and other indicators. 05-06/2013. Home-based. Associate Expert. EU Multiple Framework Contract LOT 12: Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Management & Post-Crisis Assistance; Policy research paper for GEOtest + partners for the use of the consortium formed by the applicants. 11/2011-03/2012. Palestine. Senior Expert. EU: Final Evaluation of the PEGASE financing mechanism (2008-2011) of EUREP for Palestine comprised of a total of 113 contracts totalling € 765 Million  Responsible for 46 contracts in Governance (including Access to Justice, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Health, Justice, Judicial Administration + Management), Elections, Public Administration & Civil Service, Education + Vocational Training, Child development, Social sector support, including to Vulnerable Palestinian Families (VPF); bottom-up analysis starting from the various projects up to the programme as a whole  Recommendations on results-based management (RBM) and public services management / public services reforms, particularly in VPF  Proposal of innovative implementation methods (Performance monitoring for performance based budgeting) and for resource mobilization strategy (RMS) for East Jerusalem.  Identification and formulation of concrete and realistic objectives for future programme of EUREP, in light of the different political + social scenarios and of topical issues for future programming: Outlined formulation of Sector Approaches in Social Protection and in Rule of Law /Justice; Analysis of data from a variety of sources. 08/2005-10/2006. Uganda. Child Protection Officer.  Leader of an inter-agency evaluation team of 8 agencies (28 members) assessing return options in Northern Apac (Oyam). 08/1983-02/1986. Germany, Programme Officer, Policy and Evaluation. - Project and programme assessments, reviews and evaluations .
  • Gesundheit
    Referenzen: 02-03/2009. Yemen. Senior Expert. EU Evaluation and SWAP Soutien à la Création d’un Centre de Réhabilitation dans la ville d’Aden en faveur des personnes handicapées des gouvernorats d’Aden, Lahej et Abyan’ (Rehabilitation of social services, gender + family empowerment, support to vulnerable groups). Avoidance of forced labour of the mentally/physically disabled. 'Health Sector & Demography Support Programme' (HSDS) aimed at including reproductive health into health sector planning & services for the purpose of social inclusion, poverty alleviation, family empowerment and better performance monitoring at programme level. Focus on public services management / public services reforms (HSDS). 05-11/1990. Pakistan. WHO Team Leader. WHO Peshawar + Quetta project portfolio evaluation and drafting of new standard clause for construction projects for WHO project contracts (in collaboration with the WHO Legal Division).
  • Gleichstellung
    Referenzen: 06-07/2016. Chad. Senior Expert. EU: External Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) review of ‘Briser le silence face aux violences et discriminations faites aux jeunes filles’ (C-367142), addressing early marriage, access to justice, female genital mutilation (FGM), and violence against women and girls (VAW-G) in rural Chad as well as forward-looking development strategies. Women’s human rights project supported by EU for its innovative character. Formulation of gender-specific and other indicators and development of Logframe. 08/2005-10/2006. Uganda. Child Protection Officer.  UNICEF review (in support of the Ugandan Parliament): “Gender-Based Violence. Uganda’s Obligations under Relevant International Law, Policy Gaps & UNICEF’s Options to Strengthen Legislative Reform, Social Policy Formulation and Advocacy for the Rights of Children and Women”.
  • Justiz / Polizei
    Referenzen: 03-08/2016. Egypt, Switzerland. Team Leader: EU: Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme "Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Civil Society in Egypt" (ENPI/2008/019-607)” according to 11 evaluation criteria and additional topics for cross-cutting analysis. 7 topical + 6 support projects, totaling € 17 Mio. - Evaluation focus: UN Women (Securing Rights and Improving Livelihoods of Women (SRILW), UNDP (Integrating Human Rights in Higher Education + Abandonment of FGM & Empowerment of Families), Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) (Promotion of Environmental Rights through Civil Society Organizations); NCHR (Support to the NCHR Ombudsman Office to enhance a Culture of Human Rights through its Structure); NCCM (Family and Child Rights Programme); NCW (Support the National Council for Women's (NCW) Effort in Promoting Women's Rights and Increasing the Efficiency of its Ombudsman Office) - Translation into domestic law of the numerous international and regional instruments to which Egypt is partner - Analysis of management system, communication strategy, strategic planning; overall analysis and drafting. 07-09/2011. Lebanon. Senior Expert. EU ROM: completed mission & reports for EIDHR funded project in the field of Human Rights:  AJEM: « Action de Prévention et de Réhabilitation des Victimes de la Torture et Autres Mauvais Traitements, durant leur Garde à Vue, leur Détention Provisoire et leur Incarcération »; Elaboration of a country strategy for torture-free pre-trial detention facilities. Prison and Police action. 02-04/2010. Palestine, Israel, France. Senior Expert. EU: CMTP mission & reports for ‘METAGORA’, an OECD-EU multi-donor collaboration programme on Global approaches to human rights + capacity building entitled METAGORA directed at evidence based justice sector reform at country level through the development of country strategies for justice sector reform including for human rights reporting. Responsible for part on Palestine: Right to Education (EIDHR-UNRWA) + contribution to overall report. 09-10/2008. Tunisia. Senior Expert. EU Evaluation and SWAP: ‘Appui à la modernisation du système judiciaire’, an integrated nation-wide approach to the modernization of the judicial system of Tunisia, including review of performance monitoring system for performance based budgeting, public sector reform, justice sector reform and identification of key governance needs, such as public services management / public services reforms and gender, human rights reporting and needs and gap analysis. (= Assessment of sector-wide approach for modernizing the judicial system). 1996. CWA, Officer in charge. ‘Witness Protection’. Review in preparation of the Third Consultative Working Group on Gender-Specific War Crimes between the International Criminal Tribunal & the Coordination of Women’s Advocacy, 1996.
  • Landwirtschaft
    Referenzen: 01-02/2010. Haiti. Senior Expert. EU ROM: Completed CMTP reports for Food Security project to enhance social inclusion abbreviated ’Food Facility, EC-FAO’ including local economic development in the North; review of country strategy past 2010 earthquake. 11/2009. Jordan, Palestine, Israel. Senior Expert. EU ROM: Completed CMTP mission & reports for UNRWA projects : Food Security project entitled: Food Facility, EC UNRWA 1: Food aid, and Cash allowances for the UNRWA Special Hardship Case Programme in occupied Palestinian territory Focus on UNRWA public services management / public services reforms.
  • Politisches System
    Referenzen: 10/2017-12/2017. Chad, Senior Expert: EU Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) of project C-368131 in Chad: « Ma voix compte ». Thematic Programme / EIDHR : Projet mise en place par la Ligue Tchadienne des Droits de l’Homme. Strengthening of electoral processes, civil society and social mobilisation in rural Chad. 05/2017-07/2017. Rwanda. Senior Expert: EU: (ROM) of project C-370653 in Rwanda, entitled : « Elections, Médias, Société civile et Démocratie au Rwanda » (PANOS). Thematic Programme / EIDHR. Electoral process, media, civil society, voter’s education. 04-10/2012. Lesotho. Political Governance Expert. EU: Governance Sector Review, updating of the Governance Profile of the Kingdom of Lesotho and formulation of EU future programme  Updating of the Governance Profile of the Kingdom of Lesotho’ with a view of assessing performance of governance sector and of reviewing indicators for governance;  Responsible for the areas: Gender equality, access to justice, Human rights, Political governance / Rule of Law (including prison services and police, promotion of constitutional rights), Social Governance / Social Accountability, Elections;  Assessment of the adherence to and compliance with international + regional human rights provisions and treaty obligations / international standards; functional clarity of attribution of assigned responsibility, timely or belated honouring of reporting requirements, needs and gap analysis; mapping of actors;  Preliminary work on the identification and formulation of concrete + realistic objectives for governance topics 2014-2020, in light of the different political and social scenarios; Policy advice for strategic planning & development;  Counterparts: Government of Lesotho institutions, embassies, development agencies, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, decentralization counterparts; organization of high level stakeholder seminars for training purposes.
  • Soziales / Sozialwerke
    Referenzen: 05-09/1995. Rwanda, Uganda. Officer in charge. Evaluation “Gender-based war crimes against women and girls during the genocide in Rwanda” Cross-cutting analysis including formulation of recommendations for possible international interventions to address human rights and rehabilitation issues.
  • Umwelt
    Referenzen: 07/1991-01/1993. Cuba, Switzerland. Consultant. Assessment of WWF projects: Environmental Management of the Metropolitan Park of Havana (1992) + Sustainable Development Programme of the Cuban Council of Churches (1992). “Structural Adjustment, the Environment and Sustainable Development” (WWF working group);
  • Wirtschaft / Arbeitsmarkt
    Referenzen: 09-11/2015. Madagascar. Senior Expert. EU : ROM review of: « Lutte contre la traite des travailleurs domestiques (hommes, femmes, enfants), amélioration de la qualité de prise en charge au niveau de la région d Analamanga de 2012 à 2015. » (EIDHR-IEDDH) Programme responding to human trafficking of children and young adults as well as to child and forced labour. Focus on compliance with obligations under human rights instruments and on employment creation. 03/2011. ;Montenegro. Team Leader. EU ROM: 2 projects: Improve the Business Environment for Small and Rural Enterprises; Labour Market Reform and Workforce Development (ROM - Desktop).

Deutsch – Muttersprache
Französisch – Sehr gute Kenntnisse
Englisch – Sehr gute Kenntnisse


a) Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) for the European Union, UN, bilateral and multilateral agencies, NGOs and the private sector. Demonstrated knowledge of and sound experience in:
 M&E of projects and programmes for EU + UN + bilateral portfolios according to OECD/DAC core and expanded criteria and methodological approaches; fully conversant with the principles + working methods of project cycle management (PCM), performance monitoring, aid effectiveness, Theory of Change (ToC), Results-based Management (RBM) and Logframe (LFM) design as well as with UN and EU aid delivery methods;
 Focus: thematic, regional, sector-wide, aid modalities and financing instruments, strategic evaluations;
 M&E knowledge + thematic understanding in the areas of project, programme, strategy and policy planning, implementation and review.
 Sound knowledge of the monitoring and evaluation principles and methodologies applied by the EU, UN and bilateral development and cooperation programmes and projects;
 Mid-term and final evaluations of projects + programmes, strategies and policies, EU Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews (ongoing, ex-post, CMTP, ROM EPRR; EIDHR, sector budget support (SBS);
 Focus: thematic, regional, sector-wide, aid modalities and financing instruments, strategic evaluations;
 Extensive + constantly updated M&E knowledge including interpretation of data sources (qualitative and quantitative); mixed methods, online surveys, formulation / assessment of indicators, aid delivery methods; recommendations + strategy identification of objectives; policy advice, identification + organizational development options; wide thematic understanding / focus;
 M&E knowledge + thematic understanding in the areas of project, programme, strategy and policy planning, implementation and review. Experience demonstrating capacity to evaluate institutions / policies / strategies and processes;
 Experience in evaluations involving multiple actors and interconnected systems, using multiple methods;

Womit ich häufig arbeite

 EU: 18 contracts for impact-focussed Evaluation and Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) of EU projects, programmes, policies and strategies. Evaluation of projects and programmes of non-EU entities under EU contract: UNWOMEN, UNDP, UNICEF, FAO; Thorough knowledge of and experience in EU procedures for complex and strategic programmes.
 UN: 7 years in crisis and post-crisis management / assistance at agency and agency coordination level, as well as in evaluations, programme and strategy development for UNRWA, UNICEF, WHO, UNOCA, UNHCR and UNITAR; partially seconded (by either Germany or Switzerland);
 Switzerland - ICTY + ICTR, including work in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo; Rwanda; in charge of a Swiss-based international NGO funded by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (10 years+).
 Germany - NGO + bilateral: Policy + evaluation officer (EZE - 3 years) and development of comparative evaluation manual for GIZ (two contracts).
 Private Sector: Curriculum development (supervision/ team management) for Saudi Arabia.
 80 publications and policy papers.

Was mir bei meiner Arbeit wichtig ist

Den Kontext zu verstehen, in dem eine Evaluierung stattfindet und in dem ihre Ergebnisse später genutzt werden sollen
Das Sujet der Evaluierung zu kennen und sich nützliches Wissen anzueignen
Methodisch vorzugehen
Aufmerksam zu beobachten
Stakeholder von Beginn an einzubeziehen
Gut und abgestimmt im Team zu arbeiten, wo man nicht allein arbeitet
Empfehlungen auszusprechen, die praktisch und gut begründet sind.

Was ich sonst noch über mich und meine Arbeit sagen möchte

Ich arbeite schon eine ganze Zeit mit Evaluierung und finde Evaluierung, und M&E allgemein immer noch total spannend. Es ist ein sehr privilegiertes und facettenreiches Arbeiten. Die Arbeit ist kaum je repetitiv und nie langweilig.



1) Genesis and Structure of German Foreign Aid 1952-1967, Bielefeld 1981.

2) Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe (ed.), Orientierungsrahmen Alphabetisierung, Bonn, November 1985.

3) Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe (ed.), Orientierungsrahmen Frauen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Bonn 1985.

4) Falaknuma - Zeichen weiblicher Stärke, in: epd Entwicklungspolitik 1986.

5) Statute and Plan of Action for the Working Group on Women of the Protestant Churches in the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn, December 1985.

6) Die Rolle der Frau im Entwicklungsprozeß, Erfahrungsbericht der EZE, in:, epd Materialien VIII/85, pp. 59-65. (An article on development assistance projects and women).

7) Frauenförderung: ja oder nein? In Grüne Frauenpolitik, Bonn-Hamburg, October 1985, pp. 186-194.

8) Primary Education, Study on UNHCR supported primary education projects worldwide, Geneva 1988. (Working paper for the Education Unit of UNHCR Headquarters Geneva).

9) Non-formal Education, Inventory and Classification of UNHCR supported projects, Geneva 1988. (Working paper for the Education Unit of UNHCR, Headquarters Geneva).

10) Committee on Assistance to Disabled Afghans, Guidelines and Priorities, Geneva, May 1989. (Co-drafting of an Inter-Agency publication of various UN agencies rendering assistance to disabled Afghans).

11) United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan - Proposed WHO programme and Budget for 1991, Geneva, December 1990 (co-drafting).

12) Macroeconomic Intervention and the Environment in Indebted Countries, Seminar at Divonne-les-Bains, Summary Record, WWF: Nyon/Gland, September 1991.

13) Cuba - 28 November to 9 December 1992 - Assessment Report for WWF International, Nyon/Gland, January 1993.

14) Sustainable Development in Africa; A paper prepared for the Development Cooperation Commission of the European Parliament, September 1993.

15) The Coordination of Women’s Advocacy Groups for Liaison with the International Criminal Tribunal, Plan of Action, Givrins, November 1993.

16) Eine Frage der Würde, Uno-Tribunal zum früheren Jugoslawien, in: GsoA-Zitig, Juni 1994, No. 55, S. 10.

17) The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia & The Coordination of Women’s Advocacy (CWA), Consultative Working Group Meeting, Palais des Nations, Summary Record, Geneva, 21/22 October 1994.

18) The Coordination of Women’s Advocacy (CWA), La Coordination pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme (CDDF), By-Laws - Statuts, CWA: Givrins, Switzerland, 17 May 1995 (English/French), 10 pages each.

19) Auf den Weg zu einer wirksamen friedenspolitischen Lobbyarbeit, in: Schweizerischer Friedensrat (ed.), Mehr Frieden dank einer gestärkten und demokratisierten UNO, Anliegen Schweizerischer Friedensorganisationen zum 50-Jahr-Jubiläum der Vereinten Nationen, Dokumentation zur Friedens-Ratstagung vom 13.May 1995 in Bern. Zürich, Juni 1995, pp. 25-26.

20) Mission on Gender-Based War Crimes against Women and Girls during the Genocide in Rwanda, Summary of Findings and Recommendations, CWA (ed.) Givrins, Switzerland, July 1995, 23 pages.

21) The CWA First Bi-Annual Report covering the period July 1993 to June 1995, Givrins, Switzerland, July 1995, 8 pages.

22) Women and War Crimes, in: Swiss Peace Foundation (ed.), War Against Women; The Impact of Violence on Gender Relations, Report of the 6th Annual Conference 1994, Bern, August 1995, pp. 101-126.

23) Witness Protection, a briefing kit /information folder, Geneva, May 1996, 8 pages.

24) Frauen, Krieg und unsere gemeinsame Zukunft, in: Vergewaltigt, Verleugnet, Verschwiegen, Dokumentation zur Fachtagung vom 13 November 1995, Kiel 1996, pp.75-89.

25) Witness Protection in a Limbo, CWA (ed.) Givrins, Switzerland, November 1995.

26) It Remains More Comfortable to be a Perpetrator than a Witness, in: warreport, no. 39, January/February 1996.

27) Vergewaltigung im Krieg, in: ami, Kriegsfolgen 3/96, 26. Jahrgang, Heft 3, März 1996, pp. 44-48.

28) Vergewaltigung ist ein Kriegsverbrechen, in: der überblick, Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit, 1/96, 32. Jahrgang, März 1996, pp. 72-74.

29) Consultative Working Group on Gender-Specific War Crimes, Session on Witness Protection (Reader) (ed.), Geneva, September 1996 (200 pages).

30) Witnesses. The Real Evidence to Protect, in: “Tribunal”. Monitoring the International War Crimes Tribunal. London: Institute for War and Peace Reporting, No.5, Sept./October 1996, p.6.

31) Witness Protection. Third Consultative Working Group on Gender-Specific War Crimes between the International Criminal Tribunal and The Coordination of Women’s Advocacy, 18-20 September 1996 (ed.), Geneva, January 1997 (77 pages).

32) Frauen als Zeuginnen des Internationalen Kriegsverbrechertribunals, in: Friedensbericht 1997, Die Zukunft Südosteuropas. Band 32, Heft 1-2/1997, Chur/Zürich 1997, pp. 103-117.

33) In the Aftermath of Rape. Women’s Rights, War Crimes and Genocide, CWA (ed.), Givrins, Switzerland 1997 (166 pages) (2 editions).

34) Women after the Genocide in Rwanda, ibid, pp. 101-106.

35) For a New Understanding of Female Witnesses, ibid, pp. 147-155.

36) Keine Zeit für Frauen. Frauenrechte, Kriegsverbrechen und Genozid,(ed.), Givrins, Switzerland, 1997. (186 pages) (contains German versions of the articles 34 and 35 referenced above)

37) The Private and the Public, in: DHA News, United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs, April/May 1997, pp. 58-60.

38) Das Neue als Rückschritt: Europäerinnen verschlafen die Entwicklung internationaler Rechtsstandards, in: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (ed.), Dokumentation zur Tagung ‚Den Krieg aus der Seele befreien. Über die Wege zur Wahrheit, zur Versöhnung, zum Frieden‘ (Bonn, 5.-7.12.97); Bonn 1998, pp.44-55.

39) Sühne für Kriegsverbrechen. Was kann die Rechtsprechung leisten, wo liegen Ihre Grenzen? in: ECHO und AMICA (ed.), Handeln statt Vergessen! Hilfe für Bosnien auf dem Weg in eine friedliche Zukunft. Dokumentation zum Forum am 15. November 1997 in Freiburg; Freiburg, 1998, p.16.

40) Als wäre es das erste Mal: Frauen und internationale Strafgerichtsbarkeit, in: Ruth Klingebiel, Shalini Randeria (ed), Globalisierung aus Frauensicht. Bilanzen und Visionen, Bonn 1998, pp. 159-185.

41) Das Kriegsverbrechen der Vergewaltigung, in: Der Pazifist, Hefte für Völkerrecht und Arbeit für den Frieden Jg. XI, No.5/108, 5. Mai 1998, pp. 3-6. (Co-drafting together with Anne Anderson).

42) Was gehen uns die Kosovo-AlbanerInnen an? Über das Prinzip des neuerlichen Verhandelns mit den Verantwortlichen für die Kriege in Bosnien und Kroatien, Bern, Rotunda, Juni 1998.

43) Schwierige Auseinandersetzung mit der Vergangenheit. Sechs Jahre Jugoslawien-Tribunal. Was lässt sich aus den Erfahrungen lernen? in: cfd-Dossier 1/1998, Rhetorik und Realitäten in Bosnien, Kosovo, Kroatien, pp.33-36.

44) Massenvergewaltigungen. Frauen brauchen besonderen Schutz, in: pogrom, zeitschrift für bedrohte völker, 29.Jg., No.200, 1998, pp. 40-41.

45) Wieviel bringt die Schaffung eines permanenten Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs? ibid., p.37.

46) Conditions and Aspirations of Kosovar Women Refugees in Bosnia-Herzegovina, CWA: Mostar, January 2000. (Unpublished draft version together with Zene BiH of Mostar)

47) How to Integrate Cross-Cultural Knowledge for the Benefit of Survivors of Gender-Based War Crimes? Presentation in Barcelona at the Conference: Rape is a War Crime. How to Support the Survivors. Lessons from Bosnia – Strategies for Kosovo. Sexual Violence in War & Conflicts. Barcelona 18th and 19th February 2000. (12 pages)

48) Initial Activities, Purpose of and Rationale for Curriculum Choices + Proposed Initial Staffing for the Programme entitled: ‘Gender and Change, The Interdisciplinary South East Europe & North Mediterranean Programme of the University for Peace of United Nations’, Geneva, May 2001.

49) Women as Repositories and Preservers of Collective Identity. Kosovo: Female Population in a Society of Conflict, Prishtina, March 2001. (27 pages) (Presented at the Conference: Violence Against Women in Societies in the Mediterranean Region, Algiers, 6-7 April 2001). (plus summary in the French language).

50) Change & Gender Studies Curriculum. An Educational Initiative for the Balkan region. CWA: Prishtina and Geneva, 2001 (2nd edition, Geneva 2002).

51) Bibliography. Gender, War & Justice. With Special Reference to the Balkan Wars 1991-1999, CWA: Prangins, May 2002. (94 pages)

52) Conditions and Aspirations of Kosovar Women Refugees in Bosnia-Herzegovina, CWA: Geneva, 2002.

53) Why Gender Matters in Post-Conflict Situations. The View of a Practitioner. Presentation during the Seminar: Gender, Identity and Conflict in the Post-War Societies of the former Yugoslavia, Ljubljana, 27-30 June 2002.

54) Gender Issues in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. Presentation during the Winter School on Crisis Prevention and Peace Support, University of Hamburg, 22 Nov. 2002. (unpublished manuscript).

55) Gender: Observations of a Practitioner in Post-War Reconstruction, in: Ruth Seifert (ed.), Identität und kriegerischer Konflikt. Das Beispiel des ehemaligen Jugoslawien, Lit Publishers Münster, April 2004.

56) Acknowledgement, Apology and Forgiveness (AAF), Concept prepared by UNHCR for the Task Force on Internment Meeting in Freetown of 11 October 2004.

57) Aminata Forna: The Devil that Danced on Water, in ‘der überblick’ 3/2005 (literary review – Sierra Leone).

58) Labora Farm. Assessment by UNICEF Gulu and OHCHR, December 2005, 36 pages (on LRA returnees – internal working paper)

59) UNICEF, Inter—Agency Baseline Survey Northern Apac (Oyam). Summary of Findings and Recommendations, UNICEF Gulu, May- June 2006, 19 pages plus annexes.

60) Gender-based Violence. Uganda’s Obligations under Relevant International Law. Policy Gaps and UNICEF’s Options to Strengthen Legislative Reform, Social Policy Formulation and Advocacy for the Rights of Children and Women. UNICEF Kampala, October 2006, 35 pages.

61) Optional Justice. The Promotion and Protection of Women’s Human Rights & Legislative Reform in Uganda, Geneva, November 2007, 45 pages plus 25 pages annexes (final paper of 10 months certificate course in ‘droits de l’homme’, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law).

62) European Union: ROM report for Tunisia (2008).

63) European Union: ROM reports: Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Yemen (2009).

64) European Union: ROM reports: Haiti, Palestine, Israel, France (2010).

65) European Union: ROM reports: Montenegro + region Western Balkan-Turkey, Lebanon (2011).

66) European Union, EUREP: Final Evaluation of Pegase, November 2011 - April 2012 (71 pages + annexes, 81 pages).

67) Assessment and Programming Lesotho comprising: Governance Profile (59 pages), Consultation on Governance in preparation of the European Union‘s 2014-2020 and Ireland’s 2013-2017 Programme Planning for Lesotho (21 pages), Lesotho’s Treaty Obligations under International and Regional Instruments – Selected (13 pages), Report (28 pages), PowerPoint on findings (33 slides), Literature and Document (21 pages), List of Interlocutors (12 pages) and reprogramming EDF 10 + 11, Justice project (10 pages), May - October 2012.

68) European Union, Sector Paper, Framework contract BENEF 2013 Lot 12, Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Management & Post-Crisis Assistance for GEOtest, (12 pages), June 2013.

69) ‘Culture and scope of Evaluation in Swiss-based Development & Humanitarian Agencies. Options to better support civil-society-based agency evaluation in Switzerland’, SDS 2014.

70) Planning, monitoring and evaluation in education, vocational education and training in fragile and conflict-affected contexts (Part E of the publication of GIZ: “Learning for a better future), Eschborn 2015, 150 pages (including text + annexes + glossary of terms).

71) Evaluation of the Resource Mobilization Strategy (RMS) 2012-2015 for UNRWA (CPS/WB/ERCD/0043/0/14), Evaluation Division, Department of Internal Oversight Services, UNRWA Headquarters Amman, March-July 2015, 130 pages. (Co-drafting as team leader).

72) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, ROM-RF Report Cameroon (environment, power supply, export and trade), May – June 2015.

73) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar ROM Report + Monitoring Questions + Quality checklist: « Lutte contre la traite des travailleurs domestiques (hommes, femmes, enfants), amélioration de la qualité de prise en charge au niveau de la région d Analamanga de 2012 à 2015. », September + October 2015.

74) Planning, monitoring and evaluation in education, vocational education and training in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, GIZ series: “Learning for a better future. (September 2015-January 2016). (under publication)

75) European Union: Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded Programme "Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Civil Society in Egypt" (ENPI/2008/019-607)”. March - May 2016.

76) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, External Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) report for Chad: ‘Briser le silence face aux violences et discriminations faites aux jeunes filles’ (C-367142). June-July 2016.

77) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, EPRR report for Congo, November 2016-Januar 2017.

78) UNITAR: Cluster Evaluation of UNITAR Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme. (Phased evaluation), July 2016-April 2017.

79) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, project C-370653 « Elections, médias, Société civile et Démocratie au Rwanda » (PANOS). ROM report for Rwanda, June 2017.

80) European Union: LOT 2: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa: Monitoring System EC Projects in Lot 2 - Sub-Saharan Africa, project C-368131 « Ma voix compte. CSO-LA - Organisations de la société civile et autorités locales. ROM report for Chad, November 2017.

81) German Federal Foreign Office / Auswärtiges Amt: Strategische Evaluierung der „Transformationspartnerschaften mit Tunesien, Marokko und Jordanien zu ausgewählten Themen wie z.B. Rechtsstaatsförderung und Förderung zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation“. Länderstudienbericht Jordanien (draft final report), June 2018.